Donate to the PCPLD Network

The PCPLD Network is a charity, run by volunteers throughout the UK. Donations to the charity will be spent fully on supporting our work.

Become a member

Donate up to £20 by text (UK only)

Send a text message PCPLD followed by the amount to 70085

For example: PCPLD5 or PCPLD10 or PCPLD15 or PCPLD20

Donate by making a direct bank transfer

You can donate directly into our bank account. Our bank details are:

Name: PCPLD Network
Account number: 02371249
Sort code: 30-91-49

Donate by post

If you prefer to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to “PCPLD Network” and send to:

PCPLD Network
North Beneknowle